Earth School

Internal family Systems Psychotherapy (IFS)

Internal Family Systems is a model that incorporates trauma into the mind-body-spirit holistic model of wellbeing – this is completely ignored by most health and wellbeing mainstream modalities. It is a cutting-edge evidence-based psychotherapy that is challenging current models of therapy and frameworks of communication.

What’s special about this model is that it places the Self at the centre of the process and recognises that the parts of our mind-body complex are important aspects of our system and need to be nurtured in order to trust and heal. When we lead with Self, we can cultivate more respect and trust in our internal world which leads to a more balanced, cohesive internal space.

Ultimately we can cultivate healthy relationships between our mind and Self and create internal dialogue that is productive and helpful.

How We Work & What to Expect

Working with our Internal Family System can be an exciting journey that can also be met with resistance and fear. We do everything we can to create safety and resource the client to feel stable, grounded and ready to explore.

We create packages rather than deliver individual sessions, because we believe that making a commitment both from the client and therapist perspective is better for the overall journey and wellness outcomes.

IWe will always undertake a consultation and decide with the client where we shall start as well as what’s needed to create safety and trust. We always empower our clients to self-lead.

You can expect to be held, feel safe and in control of this process and for the session to move at the pace you feel comfortable.

The session is mostly seated, although you may choose to lie down. If the session is happening online, you will have to create a safe space where you will be undisturbed


Or contact or call +447595583822 for enquiries or to make a booking.

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