Earth School


As practitioners, therapists, space-holders, coaches and guides, its important to have a support network, a community and structured supervision available to us. It’s how we can thrive and keep developing our practice, business, causes or projects. 

We believe that the key to effectively responding to our clients needs, creating safe spaces for them to go deep and to be tapped into a limitless energy source to do our work effortlessly  requires developing a particular approach to our work.

This approach is one where we learn the skills to hold ourselves and our own systems through the work with our clients – and to be fully present with that.

Our approach is also about learning how to work in an integrated way, combining holistic tools and techniques that improve and catalyse health and wellness outcomes for our clients. This is our specialism – in connecting the dots between all the systems and understanding our health and wellness from a multi-dimensional, holistic perspective of super-charged, electric beings with energetic, emotional and spiritual interconnectedness. You can come to us for support in your work with clients.

That work begins with the willingness to develop one’s professional practice, finding a supportive supervisor and community of like-minded and hearted practitioners.

We are proud to say that this is what we can offer.  


Self-Led Supervision

  • Learn to be with your clients at a deeper level and with a powerful presence.
  • Recognise and identify triggers, reactions and other sensations that may come up when doing work with your clients and what may be beneath them.
  • Learn to take care of the parts of you that want to fix, rescue or interfere with the clients own process.
  • Learn to help your own parts get their agendas out of the way by working a the root of why those agendas are there to begin with.
  • Meet the vulnerable and tender parts of us that may show up in sessions with your clients and give them what they need.
  • Learn to embody your Self energy more during sessions, to self-lead from a place of authenticity and stability, creating greater trust with your clients.
  • Be clear to hear the wisdom and intuition within that becomes your natural guide.
  • Release the karmic bondages, blockages, energetic residues and traumatic burdens that hinder your therapeutic flow and block you from being an effortless therapist.
  • Rewire neural pathways, recode your human technologies, reintegrate your internal mind-body systems and recalibrate your energy systems.
  • Be more creative and innovative.


Technical Supervision

  • Learn to work with your client’s energy systems at a deeper level.
  • Learn more tools to help your clients self-regulate, do work in between sessions or integrate.
  • Learn tools for your own personal and professional practice.
  • Learn how to help your clients create the routine and nourishment to optimise their health and wellness.
  • Develop your consultation or coaching skills.
  • See demonstrations of tools, practices and consultation skills.
  • Role play.


If relevant to your practice…

  • Understand the predisposing, triggering or underlying factors that are perpetuating imbalances in your client’s mind-body-spirit complex.
  • Connect the dots between your client’s biochemistry, physiology, emotions, and energy systems.
  • Develop greater tools for and confidence in taking clients beyond their trauma.



  • Get support to identify your goals, desires, aims and future milestones.
  • Be guided in an empowering process to explore the scope of your work, situations, relationships, issues or challenges you have.
  • Get support with challenging aspects of your work like clients, community development, business and marketing.
  • Get clarity on your work, business or project.
  • Develop an action pan for your professional practice, business or project.
  • Have support staying on track, reclassifying your plans and being accountable.
  • Understand the impact you are having and how to improve or boost it.


Technical Supervision For Reiki Practitioners With Roop Sagar

4 Hour Package – £280 (£70p/h)

Existing Students – £224 (£56p/h)

Self-Led & Technical Supervision With Natasha Anand Boojihawon

6 Hour Package – £ (£540p/h)

Existing Students – £256 (£64p/h)

Self-Led & Technical Supervision PLUS Coaching Mentorship With Natasha Anand Boojihawon

12 Hour Package – £1080 (£90p/h)

Existing Students – 6 sessions – £384 (£64p/h)